Shop your favorite products at one of our partners’ stores to earn unlimited cash rewards that can potentially go up to 100% of what you spent.


For every purchase you make, brands pay us a commission that we invest in the financial markets, and any returns will be shared with you. Your reward amount will be linked to the investment performance and will float accordingly. The investment runs for around 6 months and you can track its performance daily in your Tagpeak Monitor. You may choose to cash-out at any time, even after 6 months when it stops floating.

Your reward can go from 0% up to 100% of the price paid for the product. The likelihood of getting 100% back is low, but possible. Two out of three customers get more than 25% back in each purchase. Please note that past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

First we need to confirm that you made a valid transaction. Please pay attention to the Terms & Conditions for each partner store. Then, when wait until the returns period is over and we launch your Cash Reward. Immediately on the following business day, your reward will be available for you to cash-out. You can also wait and see whether we manage to make the reward go up, through the investments that we make.

The investment that we make to boost your cashback runs for up to 6 months. During this time, the cashback will float, meaning it may go up or down. Do not forget that you cannot lose money on any circumstances. Your cashback will always be greater or equal to zero.

First, you select one of our partner stores and make a purchase on their website. Soon after, you will see a new transaction on your Tagpeak Monitor. Secondly, we will launch your Cash Reward, but only after the returns period is over. We obviously respect that. Finally, you just have to wait and follow your reward on your Tagpeak Monitor.

After a thorough analysis, we invest in high-potential companies listed in the stock markets around the world. We monitor opportunities daily and we have in-house investment expertise. We filter out companies that do not allign with our values or have proper Environmental, Social and Governance practices.

No, not at all! The worst-case scenario is a 0% reward in the end. But you will already have the product with you, so you have nothing to lose. Also, we do not process any payments from you, as you purchase directly from our partner online stores as usual.

As you may have understood already, Tagpeak is totally different from the crowd! Cashback companies typically give customers a very low amount back after a purchase. We have a different approach, as we created variable high-potential cash rewards, and we aim it to be as high as possible, up to 100% of the price you paid.